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Alpine Skiing: Phases of the Turn
Splitting the turn into phases can help to observe, remember, or analyze a movement on a video recording.

Inclination vs Angulation
Angulation and inclination are surrounded by common beliefs and misunderstandings.
Understanding the movements can help the proper one.

The fundamentals of running and walking: gait cycles, active contact, posterior chain
What is good running and walking like? How is the gait structured? Gait cycles, swing, active ground grip (contact), and springing off.

Injured hamstring, smart glutes
Glutes are one of the most important muscle groups, crucial not just for our health but also for activities like running or skiing.

12 Week Ski Prep Workout Program - OzoneSki Fit
The drill/exercise inventory The 2023 version of the OzoneSki Fit's inventory consists of sixty-one special drills targeting six primary...

How to choose the proper ski?
It is difficult to decide whether the equipment is wrong or we made something in a bad way when we do not feel our best on the ski slope. Ho

Secrets of effective skiing: Basic Stance 1. Up and Down Movements
The stance is essential in any sport, but in skiing, there is no sense in writing a detailed how-to description of the basic posture. The...

What do we need to be a good skier?
To achieve real success, we must use a balanced mix of subjects. In skiing, we tend to focus on the movements and the posture but forget...

Training session under a magnifying glass - 11/3
It's hard to imagine without an experience how the workouts work together in the OzoneSki Fit program. Let's look at some training session

12 Week Ski Prep Workout: OzoneSki Fit
OzoneSki Fit is primarily a workout program for winter preparation, but its structure is also ideal for non-skiers.
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